If you’re looking to start a new business, you’re going to need a website. And if you’ve got a website, then you need a developer.
But what about all the other stages in between? How do you know if your website is ready for prime time? How do you know when it’s time to hire someone else?
We’ve got answers for all of those questions and more with our handy guide on website design stages.
Web design is a process with four stages: architecture, layout, content and navigation, graphics, colours and CSS.
All the website design and development agencies should focus on these four stages of web design to make your website compelling.
Here are all four stages of web design:
Stage 1: Architecture & Layout
The first stage of web design is architecture and layout. In this stage, you will create a visual plan for your site. This includes everything from understanding the purpose of your page to determining how it should be laid out. You will begin by understanding the goals of your website, as well as its audience and goals. Then you will create an outline of each page on your site, including its purpose, navigation, and content.
Your design should be visually appealing, easy to navigate and user-friendly. It should also be easy to update so that it keeps up with new technology and changes over time.
Stage 2: Content, SEO And Navigation
In stage two of web design, you’ll focus on content and SEO. You’ll determine what information to include on each page (content) as well as how to present it in a way that drives traffic back to your site (especially organic traffic). Finally, you’ll decide what buttons/links need to be on which pages so that users can navigate between them easily (navigation).
Stage 3: Graphics, Colors And CSS
Graphics, colours and CSS are the key components to creating a good-looking web design. They make up the visual appearance of your website and can make or break whether a user will stay on your site. A good designer will take care of all these elements and ensure they are done in such a way that they are easy to use by designers and non-designers alike.
Graphics: Graphics are the pictures, logos and other images which go on top of your content, like buttons, backgrounds and images. You need to choose high-quality graphics as well as ones that complement each other well so that there is no confusion about what each element represents within your site’s layout.
Colours: Colors are the other important element in web design because they help create an appealing environment for customers who visit your website from search engines like Google or Yahoo! To choose colours that work well together, check out this article about choosing good colours for websites!
CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets which are programming languages used by web designers to create designs using HTML code
Stage 4: Launching, Analyzing and Revising
Stage four is when you launch your website. You can do that in many ways: you can upload it to a host like Squarespace or Wix, or you can use an app like SquareSpace to have your site live in just a few clicks. Once launched, this stage is where you analyze how it’s performing and make changes accordingly.
The last stage of web development is launching your product. This can be done in a number of ways, including using a service like Shopify or creating an e-commerce site on your own.
Analyzing and revising are key steps for any web project. It’s important to remember that your product needs to be user-friendly and effective at conveying what you’re trying to do with it. You should also be certain that the design is going to work well on different devices, such as phones and tablets, as well as desktop computers.
Take your time while deciding what you want your site to do or take help from some professionals like createbytes to do this for you. Before you begin working on the four stages of web design, create a road map in your mind. After planning consciously, put your thoughts into action.
I hope these above four stages of web design will help you create a better and more appealing website that will make sure that you move in the right direction.