Students have to go through a lot of things in their daily academic life. I mean they seem more troubled in the school than at home and sometimes parents feel like their kids are having more responsibilities than them on their shoulders. The question is, do they really? Or do we just have an illusion? And the answer is yes! Today the school management system of almost every educational institution accepts that students are really burdened with a lot of stress and this stress is of study and learning and the most amazing fact is this stress given by excessive learning and studying data is harming itself because students are losing interest in studying and learning. As a result most of the time students feel like they aren’t in the mood to study. Learning management system says that study is the most essential part of the academic life of the students but it cannot remain always fun and a matter of joy for the students because there are several factors which diminish their mood for study. It doesn’t matter at home or at school. Students don’t discuss with others due to shame or due to hesitation but 90% students struggle with concentration problems while studying due to various factors, they have to struggle a lot to get into the mood of studying and learning. Often they have to go through the situation where they have to study and it is essential but their mood says no to them and they get tangled in the dilemma whether they should see their academic goals or should focus on the mood.
Let’s see how students can make their mood to study. Students should avoid procrastination on a very necessary basis because when students start to avoid their academic schedule and learning pattern then everything in their learning pattern gets disturbed. According to school management system When students start piling up their tasks like homework, assignments, projects and other tasks given by the tutors or school management then that day arrives soon when students are not left with time and they have to do a lot of homework and tasks. As per the learning management system this disturbs the learning pattern of the students and as a result their academic performance suffers a lot due to this. Preparation at the last minute completely destroys that little bit of the learned amount of the lessons and topics which students believe they are good in. So, to maintain the mood of studying students need to avoid procrastination. All of the above students need to discover why they don’t want to study or learn. Because it is their mood which is not studying very necessarily so they themselves will be well aware of the reason and apart from it after finding the reason behind the mood swing in the matter of study students should decide some rewards for themselves so that some inspiration can invoke in their own mind. Without inspiration, learning and studying is almost impossible.
All of the above even animals clean the place with their tail where they sit. Then why should a human be so careless that he or she can’t take care of their study station. Scattered and dirty study spaces never make the mood to study, instead it diminishes the mood to study of even a small kid who wants to talk about an adult one. So, in order to set the mood to study, students need to keep their study station neat, clean and organize the study place with all the needed study materials.. All these arrangements and neatness makes the study station tidy and interesting for the students and anything requires good presentation in order to make a good impression and herein the matter of learning it is the mood which gets set in such an environment. Students also need to set the limits for themselves and neither should study less than what is decided nor should exceed the limit in order to achieve success in academics so studying in set limits will maintain the mood of learning always. Studying under limits will get the tasks completed in time and will ease the burden of studying. Along with this students need to indulge in healthy competition where they give themselves the task to perform better than the topper of the class. Following the above stated measures will make you in the mood to study for sure.