For many women, period time is the most dreaded time of the month. Not only does it come with cramps and mood swings, it also makes one uncomfortable. But imagine when it comes to a sudden yeast infection. You would agree that this is one of the most frustrating combos ever.
There’s a chance that yeast infections may return during your periods even if you’ve solved it before. That may be frustrating, but is it normal for everyone? Is yeast infection common during menstruation?
This article will reveal all you need to know about yeast infections during your period. You will also discover how to do away with period yeast infection- forever.
Starting with the first things first;
Is Yeast Infection Common During Menstruation?
The answer is both a yes and a no. Most women complain of yeast infections a few days before their periods. Yet, yeast infection during periods is possible. Only that, having one’s period alongside yeast infections is not a regular thing.
Yeast infection occurs because certain things upset hormones, vaginal pH and bacteria levels. The sudden change makes it easy for the yeast to grow and cause infection.
Why Do You Get Yeast Infections During Menstruation?
Yeast infection during menstruation happens for different reasons. Here is how it works.
Candida albicans is the fungus reponsible for yeast infection. Yet, Candida albicans is a commonly occurring fungus; that is, you can find it anywhere. But the bacteria, Lactobacillus, prevents the fungus from growing and causing vagina infections.
When some factors favor the growth of the fungus, it increases the chances of causing vaginal infection. Yeast infection symptoms include itching and a sore vagina or a discharge that looks like cottage cheese.
Factors that may favor the growth of the fungus during menstruation include:
- Weak immune system
- Certain health conditions like diabetes
- Taking oral contraceptives as they increase the body’s production of estrogen
- Antibiotics as they upset the bacteria, Lactobacillus, and in turn, affect your vagina flora and predispose you to yeast infection
- Wearing sweaty clothes for way too long and so on
- Hormone fluctuations which are the most common cause
How does hormonal imbalance cause you to have a yeast infection during your menstruation?
Days before your period, your body produces more estrogen than on other days to prep you for your period. The sudden increase in estrogen production lowers the vaginal pH. And since the fungus does better in lower PH, it seizes the opportunity to overgrow in the vagina.
Sometimes, estrogen causes Lactobacillus to drop days before your period. And a drop in the bacteria level encourages the growth of the yeast and reduces the pH. On the other hand, if the estrogen levels do not drop, you end up with yeast infection during your period.
But the fact that you have a yeast infection shouldn’t make you worry too much. Having yeast infections during your period doesn’t make periods terrible. But it could get annoying. However, good over the counter yeast infection treatments should get rid of it fast.
What to Know or Do If You Have Yeast Infection While Menstruating
As you already know that it is possible to have a yeast infection during your period. But here’s another truth; your period doesn’t affect treating yeast infection if you go about it correctly. This is quite reassuring to hear.
If you are dealing with yeast infection during your period, here are the things you can do or have in mind. If you aren’t, keep reading too. You never know which friend will need this information.
- Over the Counter Cream Is a No-No
Over-the-counter vagina creams could provide relief sometimes. Yet, using them during your periods isn’t wise. It is enough to mess up that you have the yeast infection/period combo already. Adding an over-the-counter vagina cream will make the situation look irritating. Aside from that, they may not function well too.
So, where you have the period/yeast infection combo, it would help best to take oral medications. There are a lot easier to use and may function better. This is because menstrual fluid may affect how these creams functions.
Fluconazole is one of the most effective oral medications you can use. Fluconazole treats yeast infections in one dose, and it is better because it isn’t a vaginal insert. Still, you need a doctor to write you a prescription before you can get them.
If the oral medication doesn’t provide enough relief for the symptoms, it will help if you visit a doctor. That way, they can prescribe effective medication for external use. There are quite a lot of yeast infection treatments. But not all may work well for you.
- Do Not Douche
You would most likely want to contain the blood flow so you can deal with the itch better. But no matter how tempting it is, resist the urge to douche. Never try cleaning the vagina with any hygienic product, even if it is well-praised. So, why shouldn’t you douche?
Cleaning the vagina in any way, even with hygienic products, lowers the vaginal pH. And a low vaginal pH favors the growth of the causative yeast. So rather than solving the itch, you may have a worse infection.
Aside from this, the vagina can clean itself. And if the vagina can clean itself, douching is unnecessary and a waste of money. The best you can do is heed a pro-health practitioner’s advice.
Final Thoughts
One thing you should always have in mind is that many women deal with yeast infections. For most, their genes predispose them to have yeast infections often. So don’t fret; you are not alone in this.
Book an appointment with an experienced doctor if period yeast infections become regular. The doctors will help you understand specific predisposing factors to avoid them. With their help, you should be able to find a long-lasting solution to the yeast infection.